Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Like I Said

I'm not really great at blogging...... never kept a diary or journal growing up either. I have been pre-occupied though. Besides getting ready for a craft show in Parkesburg, PA this weekend, I've been "egg-sitting" for our 9 yr old granddaughter who was trying to hatch eggs in an incubator for her science fair. We received 2 dozen eggs, all of which wouldn't fit in the incubator we built. Sooooooo PopPop had to go back to the store and get the fixings for another. Not one single egg hatched!!!! Candleing showed they apparently weren't even fertile. Very upset grandchild. Almost as upset grandmother. To make granddaughter happy..... of course!!! We now have a new set of eggs in each incubator, set to hatch 2 days apart. Got the eggs from a different place, where baby chicks were roaming in abundance, so I think we have a chance. I'll candle in 3 or 4 days and see what we've got this time. In the meantime, I'm working on another baby and the outfit for "The Seeker". Below is one of the babies I've finished.