Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Husband My Life

Anyone who knows me also knows I've had a few husbands. None good matches. Until now. As my youngest daughter is fond of saying "Mom always saves the best for last". I spent many years believing all the "good ones" were either already married, or gay and there was no such thing as a soul mate. And then I got a phone call from a friend from high school. She was trying to sign up on one of those singles sites and couldn't figure it out. Being one of those people who have to "see" in order to figure out, I went to the site to see what she was trying to do.... Stupid thing wouldn't let me look at where she was unless I signed up. No biggy.... I can always delete the account once I get her on the right track. Yeah, right. She was having problems signing up, because the site was in the middle of glitches. It took the better part of an hour just to get the thing to recognize my sign up, so I could get to the place where she was having problems. Got her all sorted out and then the stupid thing wouldn't let me delete my account!!!!!! Did I also mention I wasn't a big believer in "fate" either? Anyway, being a busy woman, I forgot about the stupid thing. A few days later I was in a car accident, totaled the car, and came close to totaling myself. At the time I was living in the middle of nowhere, in a house my boss owned, with no car and only had access to the internet late at night after everyone left the shop. Then out of nowhere (remember I had forgotten about the stupid pain in the butt singles site) I get an email ........ Yep, you guessed it. So, we emailed a few times, then started chatting on instant messenger, and then my computer crashed. So I mustered up all my courage and called him and left a voicemail explaining why I wouldn't be on messenger. He actually called back!!! A couple days later we were talking on the phone shortly before he had to be at work and I cussed. My daughter had gone to the store for me but I had forgotten to have her get cigarettes. Said I'd have to make what I had last until morning. No way. Just give him directions and he would bring me some. And that was that. We've been together ever since.... 6 years and 12 days. We've now been married 2 years and 12 days. Six years without a fight. I'm not saying we haven't disagreed..... we just don't fight about it. And I'm not saying he has no faults, because we all do.... his just aren't worth pissing and moaning about. This man has one of the kindest hearts I've ever known. He would (and literally has) give you the shirt off his back, or a car, or RV. He treats my 4 kids and their 7 kids as his own. He treats me like a princess and spoils me rotten... which probably proves he's looney.... but I love him for it. He helps me take in strays, so our critter quota is sometimes busting at the seams (not always a good thing when you live in town). He even helped me and the 9 yr old granddaughter build an incubator and hatch chickens.... in the dining room! And there they stayed until they were old enough to go to a friend's nephew who wanted chicken pets. I do miss my chicks. Oh well, he says when we win the power ball we'll buy a small farm and I can have chickens, ducks, angora goats, or miniature pigs..... whatever I want. He's definately a keeper....... and he's ALLLLLL mine.