Monday, October 27, 2008

Slipped again

Once again I've let days go by without adding anything here. Since John and I are, for the most part, stay at homes, there's not a whole lot to write about. I'm sick to death of all the election crap. All the ads on TV are getting on my last nerve. It's more like "let's see how many sentence fragments we can twist to mean something else" and whoever gets the most wins. I'm  gonna tell you right here and now, I was leaning towards McCain....... until he chose Palin as his running mate. So what's the big OMG on TV about her? Clothing....... and how much the republicans paid for it. SO WHAT!!!!  Why don't they talk about her wanting to do away with Roe vs. Wade? Or why aren't we hearing about the 2 lawsuits she's involved in in Alaska, trying to take away most of the fishing and hunting rights of the natives so commercial fisherman and tourists can move in? If she'll do that as governor of Alaska........ how are the natives of the whole country going to fare with her as VP, or if anything happens to McCain, as president? And anyone who knows me well, knows that I have a special place in my heart for wolves. If you study anything about them you will know that they are regular people..... they just happen to have 4 legs and fur.  If you've ever been hugged and kissed by an Alaskan Timberwolf, you'll understand what I mean. Sara Palin is all for hunting wolves from airplanes! That is just completely and totally unacceptable!!!!!!!