Monday, October 27, 2008

Slipped again

Once again I've let days go by without adding anything here. Since John and I are, for the most part, stay at homes, there's not a whole lot to write about. I'm sick to death of all the election crap. All the ads on TV are getting on my last nerve. It's more like "let's see how many sentence fragments we can twist to mean something else" and whoever gets the most wins. I'm  gonna tell you right here and now, I was leaning towards McCain....... until he chose Palin as his running mate. So what's the big OMG on TV about her? Clothing....... and how much the republicans paid for it. SO WHAT!!!!  Why don't they talk about her wanting to do away with Roe vs. Wade? Or why aren't we hearing about the 2 lawsuits she's involved in in Alaska, trying to take away most of the fishing and hunting rights of the natives so commercial fisherman and tourists can move in? If she'll do that as governor of Alaska........ how are the natives of the whole country going to fare with her as VP, or if anything happens to McCain, as president? And anyone who knows me well, knows that I have a special place in my heart for wolves. If you study anything about them you will know that they are regular people..... they just happen to have 4 legs and fur.  If you've ever been hugged and kissed by an Alaskan Timberwolf, you'll understand what I mean. Sara Palin is all for hunting wolves from airplanes! That is just completely and totally unacceptable!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've gotten so disgusted lately I responded "reply to all" to an email tonight. The following was my reply:  

Just a few comments, because I am so totally sick of all this election bullshit.  These people who supposedly give us the "facts" have gotten outrageous with omitting a single word from an otherwise accurate quote that twists the meaning so completely as to reverse it. Or they take just part of a statement and use that as a "fact" against their opponent. As for all this political email (and I have not received one single one against McCain).... has anybody thought to check into their validity????????????? Sean Hannity?..... no way, I wouldn't watch him on a bet. He's one of the biggest purveyors of omitted  words and partial sentences. Anybody heard of ? That's where I go to find out just how much bullshit these TV ads and emails are. Personally, I don't see that either candidate is better than the other. Keep in mind when they say "when I'm president I'm going to"........ that before they can DO, whatever it is has to go through the congress and senate first. If we really want to change anything, let's get these career politicians who have been pandering to lobbyists, oil companies etc, out of office and put people in who really care about us "little people". Check out this page .  

Where neither McCain nor Obama appear to be any better than the other, McCains's choice for VP really worries me. Let's face it he may be in good health, but he is 82 years old and if something should happen to him Sara Palin becomes president, no questions asked. Sara Palin...... I'm sure you've all heard of her feelings about reversing Roe vs Wade, which in my opinion is enough to keep her out of office, but....   How many of you know her stand on the Natives of Alaska? Did you know Palin has a law suit that seeks to diminish subsistence fishing rights in order to expand sport and commercial fishing. (State of Alaska v. Norton, 3:05-cv-0158-HRH (D. Ak). (Hummmm isn't her husband a commercial fisherman?)   Palin has also is involved in a lawsuit to invalidate critical determinations the Federal Subsistence Board has made regarding customary and traditional uses of game, specifically to take hunting opportunities away from Native subsistence villagers and thereby enhance sport hunting. Although the federal district court rejected Palin’s challenge, she has carried on an appeal that was argued in August 2008. (State of Alaska v. Fleagle, No. 07-35723 (9th Cir.) Sounds like some kind of vendetta against the Native Alaskans.  These lawsuits show me that she is more interested in promoting commercial fishing and hunting than she is in looking out for the rights of a large part of Alaska's population. If she becomes either VP or President doesn't it follow that she will broaden her vendetta to the natives of the rest of the country????? And this from the Anchorage Daily News:  "Ousted safety commissioner: Palin image damaged
Walter Monegan said today he feels "relieved" by a legislative report concluding that Gov. Sarah Palin abused her authority by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired from his trooper position." Seems the lady holds grudges...... But ya'll use your own judgement....
I'll get off my soapbox now. Gee venting feels good!

Hummm, went a little overboard maybe? Naaaaaaa........ just my opinion.  I think what pissed me off the most about this and other political email I've received is that it's ALL negative Obama....... where are the negative McCain emails????? Makes me think McCain's people have been busy at their computers.