Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Heat Wave in April??????

Yep, it's official.... an April heatwave. Today is the 4th day temps have reached the 90's. Being April we have no A/C's in yet. Fans are mostly just blowing hot air around. Thank goodness the humidity isn't up there with the heat. I've been trying to work on "Fairy with a critter" but the heat has my feet feeling like over-filled water balloons.. makes for some discomfort.  

On a happy note, I've gained a new great niece a couple weeks ago and a new great nephew today. Born to my brother's two daughters. With luck I'll get to see them before they're a year old... they both live within 20 miles from us. We were down there Saturday, but my niece wasn't home, so didn't get to see the baby.... Drat!!!  

We actually went down to grab up a couple chunks of oak out of the firewood pile. I'm going to try my hand at making some hardwood tools. Using metal tools when I sculpt leaves the clay looking dirty and it really gets aggravating. Sooooo ....... Let's see if I can pull this off.

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