Friday, September 4, 2009

Got my ire up!

Most people who know me are aware that I'm usually, according to my husband, "lost in clayland". They also know I'm super pickey and a bit of a perfectionist, so I'm always on the lookout, or searching for sculpting tutorials, for help or just ideas. So, the other day I'm searching and found a site..... went to check it out because it belonged to someone who was a member of a group I belong to. First of all, it was irritating because it's made for a wide screen. How many of us can really afford a wide screen monitor? I can deal with that (barely), and she has a tab for "free tutorials". I click on the tab..... and the page says "for free tutorials go to my forums". Kinda weird, but okay, I'll go check out her forums. So, I click on her forums tab. Now, let me tell you.... I'll be 58 years old in a couple weeks, been married more than once, tended bar in a biker bar for 5 years, drove a big truck long-haul ........ so I'll admit to having gone around the block a few times..... BUT!!!!!!!!! I've never had an interest in porn, no matter if it's soft porn, hard porn.... I'm not interested. Sooooo imagine my dismay when the forum page opens and all I find there are ........ well, as far as I'm concerned, porn! Now, this is a fellow doll-artist. She does have some of her dolls on her site, but her quality of work has gone from pretty good to, well, in my opinion, crap! Must be the porn has affected her brain????? I don't know what this woman's problem is, but it's sites like hers that make sales difficult for the rest of us.

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