Friday, December 19, 2008

Weather Matches Mood

Yes the weather certainly matches my mood. My daughter-in-law was rushed back to ICU last Friday night and died on Sunday. Last night and today were the viewing and funeral services along with dark cloudy skies and rain rain rain. 10 Miles further north is sleet sleet sleet and 10 miles further than that snow snow and sleet, which is what my daughter and her family had to drive through to get home. Came home from the funeral to find I had to make phone calls to find out why my website was non-existent. Got that straightened out with a change of domain name...... I'm now at 

Don't know about the rest of you, but I find it difficult to work on days like this. Trying to sculpt turns into a session of frustration.... those little critters just don't want to cooperate when I'm in these moods. And I have to get busy, I have a commission piece that has to be done by Monday! AND!!!!! I have 5 1/2 out of 11 lap quilts to finish as Christmas presents.... SHEESH!!!! Can't we postpone Christmas for a week??????????

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