Sunday, July 19, 2009


Told ya'll in the beginning, I'm not much for blogging. Guess I've proved it, but will attempt to put some thoughts down..........

My van is still at "the mechanic's"..... guy John works with. Hopefully when he comes home from work in the morning he'll say, 'let's go pick up your van'. He got a loan to buy another..... we won't talk about that one except to say, it needs some work. Ummmmm....... our real estate agent "GUARANTEES" he can get enough for our house to get the one we want without having to come up with extra money. We'll see. Can't wait to get out of this place and away from the mold.

Found a number for an old friend from school..... called and we talked and talked and talked.. Gonna do it again too! Funny how years go by, you lose touch, life goes on, things change, but one phone call and everything is right back on track. Won't be long and we'll be able to keep all our kids' and grandkids' names straight. Maybe if we ever get to take a real vacation, we can go visit her in NC. Like I tell my family.... if it's meant to be, it will.

Hummmm...... what else? OH YEAH!!!!!!!! The BEST!!!!!! I finally got to go to Healthcare for Women...... they deal with bio-identicals!!!!!!!!! Been on them for only 3 weeks, but the change in the way I feel is wonderful! No more hot flashes and the "depression" isn't half as bad as it was. I'm even sleeping a bit better. Knock on wood! We got the results for my hormone levels and they were WAAAAY down, as expected. Good news, thyroid levels are just fine. Now back to the regular doc to get him working on the neck, back and leg problems.

I've been putting the finishing touches on one of my little guys.. the chubby elf. Gotta make a base for him, just haven't seen it in my mind yet. I did finish SnowDancer's 'snowscape'..... Haven't talked myself into putting her up for sale yet. More attached to this sculpt than any of the others. Going to be hard to let her go. My heat gun stopped working a couple weeks ago and I'm lost without it. The oldest son surprised us with a visit last week... This boy can fix ANYTHING!!! If he can't fix it, nobody can. He took it apart..... said he could bypass something or other and make it work, but it would be a fire hazard. Not in this 100 year old house! Threw it away and bought a new one on ebay last night. Not only was it cheaper than the first... this one is PINK! I love pink.

Also while he was here, my son fixed my PC. Not that I'll give up my Mac.... but there's shitloads of genealogy and pictures and music on the PC that I was really afraid I'd lost forever. Can't do much to get it off until after we get moved. We've pretty much turned that room into a storage room since we started packing up. It's difficult to get to it and not enough room to work. Once we get moved I can get all that stuff off and onto this Mac, then we can put the phone back on that PC and off the slooooowwwwwww one it's on now.

Guess I'll go clean up my kitchen and get ready to get to bed. It's been a long day. Goodnight!

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